26 Feb 2018

The life of Bonifác // Dada's story

Good morning or evening. Depends on what time is when you are reading this post now.

Let me introduce myself - I am Bonifác and I am the new reason why Dada carries on with her life. Really, it is true. 

I was born on 14 October 2017. And I was a Christmas present for her. Actually, I do not like to say I was JUST a present. I was the best present ever. She was completely lost without me and let me say - since she is a woman, she really needed a strong man, who will take care of everything. So,  I am here.

You might be asking why I am writing here, this is her blog though. Well, as I said before, I am going to take care of everything and she is just horrible with this blog. She is posting whenever she wants, she writes about craps and so on. From now - I will write here as well. And finally, this blog will have a good and interesting articles!

Today I will tell you how I got my name.

She had a real struggle to give me name. She wanted to name me "Palacinka" (which is a pancake in English) or "Blueberry". Yes, she is not OK, I am telling you honestly. 

I was personally thinking about "Your Majesty" but she did not really listened to me, I do not know why. Come on, it would have just sounded right - "Your Majesty, why did you poop on my bed?" I would like it, very much!

I remember that her grandmother had a calendar. Well, a Catholic calendar, since she is a huge believer. I do not know why she just cannot believe in me, that would be enough I guess. Anyway, Dada was searching from all of those names and eventually, she had two names - Bonifác and Gašpar. And do you know why she decided for Bonifác? Because she is stupid, of course.

She did think that Bonifác was one of the kings who came to a little Jesus on 6th of January. Yes, I am serious. To those who does not know, the Kings where Gaspar, Melichar and Baltazar. Not Bonifác (and Pankrác and Servác) as she thought. 

So, I am not the king just because of her stupidity. Could you believe that? 

Moreover, of course she will never be able to call me Bonifác for the rest of my life. It is too long for her. And too formal, she says. And not cute enough. Cute?! I am not cute! I am a man and I was born to be a king (I am not, again because of her). She has come up with a nickname, bless her silliness. She calls me "Bonbón" now, which is a candy in English. The chocolate candy you eat. Yes,  my nickmane is food. Please, help me!

In the end, I would make a little statement. For you, I am Sir/Lord/Duke Bonifác or Your Majesty, choose which one you want. Nothing else.

Thank you. I will write more the next time.

Best Regards, Lord Bonifác.

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