Hello loves!
FINALLY spring is coming!
Are you happy like I am? People from the UK know what I mean :-D Last two - three weeks, we had a very cold and windy weather with often showers. But! The weather is much better now than the weather in the time we arrived to England. Now we have more sunny days and showers aren´t so often. Last weeks in Slovakia have been warmer, about 20-23 degrees Celsius, so you know. I´m really cold here :-D However, one of previous days was pretty warm, so we decided to have a luch in our favourite place during the break time. And here is it, enjoy the pictures :-)
Are you happy like I am? People from the UK know what I mean :-D Last two - three weeks, we had a very cold and windy weather with often showers. But! The weather is much better now than the weather in the time we arrived to England. Now we have more sunny days and showers aren´t so often. Last weeks in Slovakia have been warmer, about 20-23 degrees Celsius, so you know. I´m really cold here :-D However, one of previous days was pretty warm, so we decided to have a luch in our favourite place during the break time. And here is it, enjoy the pictures :-)
Ahojte kamarátičkovia!
KONEČNE je tu jar!
Prvé dva, tri týždne v Anglicku boli upršané a chladné. Boli sme nato pripravení, no na Slovensku bolo 20 stupňov a tu sychravo a zima, čo nás naozaj nepotešilo. Ale! Počasie sa už pomaly zlepšuje, zrážky nebývajú každý deň. Síce je stále okolo tých 10 stupňov, dá sa to však vydržať. Ak na Vás svieti slniečko, je to vždy príjemné. Jeden deň bol veeeľmi teplučký, tak sme cez obedovú prestávku vybehli na naše obľúbené miesto na obedík <3 Ale nebudem už ďalej obkecávať a pozrite si aké krásne počasie sme vtedy mali :-)
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Leggings: Primark, shirt with long sleeves: Primark, Top: New Yorker (old collection), shoes: Converse, necklace: a gift (probably F&F) |
Dúfam, že sa Vám fotky páčili. Nech je takýchto dní stále viac a viac. Serusky <3
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